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How to Calculate Year over Year(YOY) Growth % in Power BI?


In this blog, you will learn how to calculate the year-over-year growth percentage in Power BI using a DAX formula.

Let’s get started

Step-1: Import the sample dataset mentioned below:


Date Sales
01-01-2022 320
01-02-2022 350
01-03-2022 380
01-04-2022 400
01-05-2022 420
01-06-2022 450
01-07-2022 480
01-08-2022 500
01-09-2022 530
01-10-2022 560
01-11-2022 590
01-12-2022 620
01-01-2023 650
01-02-2023 680
01-03-2023 710
01-04-2023 740
01-05-2023 770
01-06-2023 800
01-07-2023 830
01-08-2023 860
01-09-2023 890
01-10-2023 920
01-11-2023 950
01-12-2023 980

After this, create a calendar table using the following DAX formula:

Go to Modeling tab> choose ‘write a DAX expression to create a table’

DateTable = CALENDAR(MIN('SalesData'[Date]), MAX('SalesData'[Date]))

Step-2: Create a relationship between the 'SalesData' and 'DateTable' datasets.



Step-3: Now, To calculate Year-over-Year (YoY) growth in Power BI, you can use the following DAX formula. This formula calculates the percentage change in a measure compared to the same period in the previous year.

Total Sales = SUM('SalesData'[Sales])
YoYGrowth =
VAR CurrentYearSales = [Total Sales]
VAR PreviousYearSales = CALCULATE([Total Sales], SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('DateTable'[Date]))

PreviousYearSales <> 0,
(CurrentYearSales - PreviousYearSales) / PreviousYearSales*100,

Step-4: Now you can see the year-over-year growth percentage change in the screenshot below.

Y-o-Y Result

Y-o-Y Result

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