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Join Datasets with multiple columns conditions in Power BI

Join tables with multiple conditions

In Power BI you can create relationship between tables but there is some limitation with Power BI relationship, like you cannot create relationship(or join two tables) with multiple columns.

But in Power Query you can join tables with multiple columns conditions, under merge queries you can perform with all joins, so lets get started-

Dataset sample as below:

Table 1: UserDetail

CustId Dept Customer City Country
1 User Annette Roulet London UK
2 User Antonio Moreno Toulouse France
3 IT Aria Cruz Mexico Mexico
4 Admin Dinesh Raturi Haridwar India

Table-2: UserAmount

ID User City Amount
1 Annette Roulet London 100
2 Annette Roulet Mexico 200
3 Antonio Moreno Toulouse 200
4 Bernardo Batista Mexico 400
5 Dinesh Raturi Haridwar 100

Now follow these steps

Step-1: Click on Transform data

Transform Data

Transform Data

Step-2: The “Power Query Editor” window will open. Now, under the “Home” tab, click on “Merge Queries as New.”

“Merge Queries as New” will generate the joined output as a new dataset.

Merge Queries

Merge Queries

Step-3: Now, we will join two tables with multiple column conditions. You can select multiple columns by using Ctrl + Click.

Main steps:

  • Choose the ‘UserDetail’ table from the first dropdown and select the ‘Customer’ and ‘City’ columns by using Ctrl + Click.
  • Select the ‘UserAmount’ table from the second dropdown and choose the ‘User’ and ‘City’ columns using Ctrl + Click.
  • In the ‘Join kind’ section, select ‘Inner Join.’
  • Click ‘OK.’

Ensure that you have followed the same sequence of column selection for both tables. In other words, if you intend to join tables based on a condition like-

If you select “UserDetail (customer)” with “UserAmount (User)” and “UserDetail (City)” with “UserAmount (City),” then the column selection sequence must be consistent.

For example, if you choose “Customer” first and then “City” for the first table, you should follow the same sequence for the second table by selecting “User” first and then “City.”

This consistent column selection sequence is crucial because Power Query relies on this sequence to create the join condition and retrieve the data accurately based on your selections.

Inner Join with Multiple condition

Inner Join with Multiple condition

Step-4: A new dataset has been created. Now, click on the expand icon, as shown in the screenshot below, and select the column you want to add to the table. Then, click on OK.

Merge Queries Output

Merge Queries Output

Step-5: Now you can view the final output of the join with multiple column conditions.

Join multiple datasets PBI Merge Queries

Join multiple datasets PBI Merge Queries

Refer Power BI other post: Power BI tutorials

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